cheakamus river Fishing Report 2025

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February 11, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

The morning started off right with steady tuna and yellowtail fishing shortly after daylight. We remained until 10 am when we pulled it and tried to finish off with some more wahoo. We had a few stops for a dozen skin and are now headed home. We have had a great trip with an outstanding group of anglers, excellent weather and delicious food. We will be traveling the rest of today and tomorrow and arrive at the dock on Sunday. You can call the office on Saturday night for our ETA. 619-390-7890 Thanks for checking in.

February 10, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Hello. Our first, full travel day was somewhat uneventful by normal standards but by our standards, it was a riot. We worked out, ate breakfast, fiddled about various boat/rigging projects, held a couple of seminars, rigged more tackle, and then, we ate lunch, napped, ate some more, rigged more tackle, and enjoyed dinner and a movie. That was pretty much our day in a nutshell.

Highlights of the day for me: 1. Mark trolled all morning for not even a sniff of a jig strike and then I relieved him of his duties so that he could eat lunch. I took my shirt off, sat in the chair for what I'm guessing was thirteen minutes and then, bam! Jig strike! How you like me now, Clark? Granted, it was about a an 8 lb. Yellowtail but the rest of his buddies were pretty hungry and we broke up the ride by pulling on some of his companions -- so that was fun. 2. Putting a bunch of dead bait and other nonsense into a food processor to feed to our bait. It's most likely the happiest bait on the planet right now as they were fattened up all day. I'm serious, they're getting the "bluefin tuna in the pens" treatment. They are happy. 3. The movie "Flight". I only was able to catch the first half of what I first thought was "Requiem For A Dream Part II" but then the airplane stuff started. I'm sorry if this statement is insensitive but Denzel Washington can sure make a cocaine-using, alcoholic, cigarette-smoker look so good in a movie. Great actor. Can't wait to see how the rest of the film plays out.

Anyhow, not too much to report today other than my usual idiotic banter. Oh yeah, before I forget. After twelve years in this business, I finally got to examine and learn about a new species of fish I've never heard about nor seen: a "Mid-Shipman (?)" I believe is what it is called. Of all the places to examine and identify this new creature, it was dead on the fuel dock. That's the advantage of having a stud biologist on the boat. Thanks, Scootch. Basically, this thing looks like a Catfish without whiskers and that's what we were calling it until Uncle Scootch swooped in and set us straight.

So that's all. Tomorrow, we'll be driving by Rocas Alijos and we'll give it a try for some Yellowtail for tacos and roe to feed the bait. We'll make our intended destination around lunch time and then we'll be headed back on our merry way. Thanks for checking in.

-The Supreme Team

February 9, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

Our PM Half Day saw excellent Calico Bass fishing, highlighted by a big Black Seabass trying to eat one of our hooked bass. We ended up spending just an hour and half on the anchor for over 30 bass released. We spent the rest of the trip looking for Yellowtail, but not finding the ideal conditions. 

February 8, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

POLARIS SUPREME TRIP UPDATE FOR 11-02-2020 TO 11-07-2020 Well what have we been up to the last 6 days? We departed early on day zero, the Second in good weather and with a great group of passengers. The group is a composite of Jim Holeman's group , Stan Vanderburg's , Clarence Cole and friends and a few others. All solid fun anglers. On departure we loaded up some great looking sardines we hope to last 10 days. Stan spent the day passing out an unbelievable amount of give away's and setting up a prize of a rod and reel for the first tuna caught over 30 lbs and a reel for the the first wahoo caught on a home made lure. The weather was beautiful . Day one was a travel day spent doing our usual fishing seminar, Stan passing out more swag, rigging, eating and napping in good weather. Day two started off looking for kelp patty's holding Dorado and Wahoo. After a morning with no luck we deployed our own FAD ( Fish Aggregating Device) with a satellite buoy. Late in the day we got into good fishing on 12 to 40 pound Yellowfin tuna that saved the day. Day three wahoo fishing was pretty good and the tuna was in the 12 to 15 lb. range with no sign of the 20 to 40 lb. one's. Still great weather. Day four we where hoping for a repeat on the wahoo that didn't happen. Saddened by a Sukey morning we busted a move to check out our FAD. Holey Mollee 48 Hour's soaking and the thing was loaded with Dorado! We spent an hour or so catching and releasing before heading to some new tuna grounds. Some of you are wondering why we keep so few Dorado now days? Well you see 2 Dorado count as 5 fish in your over all fish count and most anglers only keep a couple if any at all choosing to catch and release. Arriving at the tuna grounds to slow fishing we where stoked to see it go wide open at dusk making it a great Tuna Dorado day in Slick Calm Weather. Day five making a big move today! Scratched a few Tuna this morning and hit the road trying to beat the massive storm hitting California. Weather is still OK. Will check in in a few days. Thanks For Checking In The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 7, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

Friday, October 19th, 2012

Hi friends. Happy Friday to all of you back home. How are you? Good, thanks for asking. Let's get down to business.

We awoke today just like any other day. Tommy woke us all up very peacefully but at the same time gave us way too much information and had our eyes crossed before we could even get the boogers out of them, or open them for that matter. I got out of the rack, put on my fishing shorts, came out to the bench in the wheelhouse, grabbed my boots, and proceeded to put on my socks. But these just weren't ordinary socks, oh no. I pulled these particular socks over my heels and up to my calves and when I pull my socks all the way up to my calves, you know what time it is - business time.

I pulled my socks all the way up so that when my boots are at full pop-dog--rather than semi pop-dog, the way I normally wear them with shorts--they don't rub me raw. I know what you're asking yourself right now, "Richie, why on earth have you spent an entire paragraph talking about your awesome business socks and boot length?" Well, the answer is simple - we got down to some major business on yellowfin tuna, flatheads, and wahoo and I don't like getting my legs all dirty and wet. That is why my boots were at full pop-dog today.

After looking around all morning at dry kelp paddies, we got on some ponies (common dolphins) and landed 14 of those beautiful 25-45 lb. yellowfin tunas. Unfortunately, that was our only go-around on those things and they vanished. It didn't take us long to locate a beautiful kelp paddy and it was on like Donkey Kong. The mahi's bull-rushed us and they were a really nice grade too. I'd say that the majority of the fish were in the 15-22 lb. range and they put on quite the show. Not quite a kelp paddy off of Mag Bay action but plenty close enough. No matter where they are, they're the hardest fish to gaff and they get us all wet. After finishing up our Mexican limit on those things, the tuna got in on the action and bit very well for us. For the most part, they're footballs, but a couple standouts were landed after the initial melee had passed. Joe Gigliotti got himself another beauty and Jeff Hauser got himself a dandy too. Good job guys, way to give a hundred and ten percent. The two luckiest anglers of all were Hart Brauer and Skip Hess II a.k.a. "Skipper Jenkins". Hart and Skip were our luckiest of the lucky lambs today and landed themselves one wahoo each. Fine work, boys.

So here we are. About to wrap up our second annual Gigliotti/Accurate 8-day adventure and we're going to bypass the bluefin zone. I know, I know. I'm as disappointed as anyone, but there's no reason to bomb up from where we are to the bluefin zone where the scores have been quite unflattering. The weather isn't very sweet right now either. What was a beautiful morning of bronzing quickly turned into jacket/slicker weather after lunch. As of now, we're traveling up the line to look at another area for a few hours to try and locate some more of those big ole yellowfins. Our ride is OK. We're not pounding or scooping the bow or anything but we're doing a little bouncing, like our car is on hydraulics in the ghetto. Hence, I'm listening to Backspin, channel 46 on SiriusXM radio - old school hip-hop. Bumpin'.

Wish us luck tomorrow and we'll give you a wrap-up report tomorrow. Peace out, homies.

P.S. The Hunger Games epidemic is spreading through the boat like a wildfire. Star galley assistant Patrick is a closet Hunger Games reader. I caught him hiding behind the cooking area, sitting on a milk crate just reading away. He told me that at first, he wasn't all that pumped on reading about the life of a sixteen year old girl but once you get into the world of Katniss, you can't escape it, and Patrick is like a fish in a barrel. You don't have to make excuses to me, Patrick, even old men like you can enjoy the Hunger Games without guilt. Add one to the book club meetings. You know where the coffee is, Patrick.

Oh yeah, before I forget. The other day, Mark Clark celebrated his birthday and I totally spaced on it. He turned 86 years old. Happy Birthday, Mark. See ya.

February 6, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

~~Aug 23
 We drifted most of the morning until around 9 or so.  We drifted due to us catching fish.  We caught a whole lot of fish this morning.  They weren't the same 20-25+ pounders we've been getting.  There were a few of those, but these were about half that size.  It wasn't what we were hoping for but they were still fun.  The guys were having a blast.  They were getting some practice at the whole tuna fishing thing, picking a good bait, where to drop in, follow your fish... And they got to use some of there tags as well.

 After that we thought it would be a great idea to make a few hour run and get to San Clemente Island to catch those big yellows we caught there a couple of trips ago.  In theory it sounded great, but we didn't catch very many yellows.  We ended up bailing on it and looking for some bluefin that's been hanging around there.  We saw one pretty good spot around there but they wouldn't bite.  At dark we ended where we'll start tomorrow.  Some boats had some pretty good days here today on a very good grade of yellowfin along with some of that 25-50 pound bluefin as well.  Oh how I hope we can get in on some of that tomorrow.
Time will tell.  Cross your fingers at home. We'll take some good luck anywhere we can.

February 5, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

 The fishing was very slow for us this morning.  We caught nothing.  Of course that was due to us not fishing at all.  We were in full travel mode trying to make our destination shortly after lunch which we did and from here on out for the foreseeable future we're fishing baby.  So we were hoping to have a hit on wahoo.  The last boat that was in here caught 20 or 30 in a couple days and we thought they were moving in.  Maybe they were.  When we got here there were two boats already trolling it up.  Bad sign for wahooing.  We ended up getting one on the marauder and another 4 drifting.  Nice ones too.  5 lucky anglers.

 The tuna fishing was good.  Not wide open.  It looked really good on the machines but we could only scratch at them.  It was still plenty good to start off our trip and get us going. We tagged about 4 per rod this afternoon so definitely good fishing. No yellowtail though unfortunately.  We were hoping for some of that but we never saw one.  So we're making a move to look for more yellowtail to go along with the tuna we're catching.  We're going to do at least one more day here if not two before moseying on down to look for cows.

 The weather has been great so far.  Rolly this morning with offshore wind but that straightened out.  We had an action packed afternoon which is just what we needed.  See you tomorrow.

February 4, 2025 cheakamus river Fishing Report

~~Trip Report 08.10.2015

 Good evening folks. Today didn't fair out like we planned. It proves that's why it's called fishing and not catching. We didn't have the awesome weather that we had yesterday, but it was certainly fishable. Our common yellowtail zone has been producing fairly well over the past few weeks, but there are those off days too. What's encouraging though, is there is also school of yellowfin tuna down here South as well. It's great for keeping our options open for when the tails don't want to cooperate. My feeling is the the tails just took a day off to regroup and we'll get at it first thing in the morning and start tagging some fish right away. On a brighter note, we did move north a little ways in the early afternoon and hit a giant breezer of tuna. Pretty close to a football field size I would say, and we managed to get a nice chunk of them to stick with us. It took some shoveling of bait to get them to stick, but they did. Nothing like a nice chaotic tuna bite to break up the day. We managed to turn it into a nice 100 fish stop of a pretty good grade I might add. All and all, we ended up putting a descent afternoon and everyone got to tag plenty of tuna. Tomorrow is a new day, we'll cross our fingers that the fish God's are on our side tomorrow and we'll check back in after we wrap it up for the day.

Also, we cannot forget to wish Michelle Taylor a very Happy Birthday from Troy and the boys out here on the Polaris Supreme!!

Jed and Crew

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for cheakamus river are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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