cattaraugus creek Fishing Report 2024

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July 26, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

Hello there Polaris Supreme fans,
                                             Today was another travel day for us, this morning we had or seminar on fishing for giant YFT.  The crew went over fly lining, big bait , jig fishing, sinker rig, and kite fishing. We also handed out all the loaner gear and the guys started rigging up. Around 1600 we made a drive by the Rocks and found two 25 lb YFT willing to bite the jigs now we have fresh tuna for tomorrow nights dinner! Speaking of dinner its about time for me to go get ready for dinner so until tomorrow tight lines!!

Gunny and the Crew.

July 25, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Hi friends. I've changed my name and occupation. I am now a 007 agent and my name is Pierce Bronzin'. The bronzing was just dandy today. Justin Thompson, get you're tanning oil ready. It was sick hot today and sunny like Cher liked it. Anyhow, the fishing was sporadic. We had a few stops in the morning on those twenty-five to forty pound yellowfin, went through a long lull, and then a little after lunch we got on a kelp that was once again, aquarium-style fishing. All you wanted on football yellowfin with a couple of standouts and some really nice flatheads too. On yesterday's aquarium-style stop, we opened up our siphon valves to the deck tanks and looked over the side of the hull to see a foamer of yellowfin, yellowtail, and dorado on our dead sardines that accumulate in the bottom of our deck wells. Awesome. Today, we did some lift-polin' which was fun too. Just letting you know that when I say aquarium-style, I mean aquarium-style. Hundreds of fish swimming in front of your eyes at any time is a sight to see and we're thankful that we've seen it twice in as many days. Sweet.

With that, we took only a few boxes full of tuna and dorado, released all the three pound yellowtail, and then we kept on with our search for trophies. From this point until trips end, will be hunting strictly trophies as far as our tuna agenda goes. Let's hope that they show up and we can get them located and do some damage. We'll get the camera out for those, for sure.

For tomorrow, we'll be doing some yellowtail fishing and we'll take it from there. Wish us luck and we'll chat with you tomorrow.

-The Supreme Team

July 24, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

OK tired of boat work! Need a little motivation To go out fishing on The Polaris Supreme? We have a 6 Day trip coming up in 2 weeks and it still has 7 openings on it! SUNDAY JUNE 25th. We will be targeting the 50 to 300lb Bluefin that are 10 to 100 miles just out side San Diego as well as all the other usual species. The following pictures are from Rick Maxa (AKA Rock Cod Rick) Of Lets Talk Hook Up Fame. These Bluefin Where all caught by Rick and his Buddy's , some as close as 9 miles. THEY WHERE NOT CAUGHT ON THE POLARIS SUPREME! THAT'S WHY WE NEED YOU ON OUR FIRST TRIP ON THE 25TH! OK now do you want to go fishing! 6 days too long? We have 2, 3 day trips with openings right after that. Just call Susan At the number at the top of the page.

July 23, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

Today was spent traveling in good, but foggy weather. Basically we just rigged tackle and ate a bacon, avocado, sprout omelet for breakfast. Rigged more gear and had a giant Texas cheeseburger for lunch. Rigged more gear then snacked on salmon, tuna, shrimp and eel sushi and sashimi. Rigged more gear and finished off the day with a beef tenderloin with a tomato, basil pesto sauce. Just rigging and eating and anxious to get to the fishing grounds!

July 22, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

~~July 13
 How about this... Today was awesome! We fished the yellowtail grounds today and it worked out. From about 8 am to 4 pm we were hot and loaded! 14- 28 pounds was the grade and they were snapping. After a slow couple of days like we had iit was perfect. Long drifts with 1-6 fish always on the line. Very little moving. Mostly all drifting and catching. Smiles for everyone and relief for some, myself included. It was a fun day. Windy as heck but we still drifted well and nobody cared. We left at 4:30 because the fish weren't really in the mood anymore and we wanted to gain some latitude to extend our fishing time tomorrow.


 We'll be offshore tomorrow hunting for yellowfin tuna. We're stuffed with the Jacks and now we want tuna. Wish us luck back home. Here we go...


July 21, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

Oct. 7

Hello out there in the internet world of the Polaris Supreme. It's been a while since I have been able to write to you all. This is because down there in the lower lower latitudes our satellite service isn't available therefor I am unable to send out any emails. So this will be a trip wrap up of our time spent down below...

First of all we had a great trip. Of our 5 1/2 days down here we landed 50+ tuna over 100 pounds. 15 of those went over 200 pounds and 1 of those will most likely go over 300 pounds. It taped off at 297. A real beaut. We also released at least 17 tuna over 100 pounds and threw in 50+ wahoo as hole fillers. That's not a bad fish count for 20 anglers. We had 8 anglers. Fantastic.

We got a little nervous when we first arrived down there at 4:00 a.m. of the 2nd. We stopped the boat first on some flying fish to try for some of them to put on the kite and during the drift we could see many sharks swimming around and chasing the flyers. We got the anchor down around 5 and it wasn't getting better. A big shark problem is what we had on our hands. They were making it unfishable. We had a 1 hour window that morning when the tuna were more aggressive then the sharks and managed a handful of big tunas with the Jer-Bear getting one over 200 pounds but it was short lived. The tuna backed off and the sharks took over again. We had enough and tried pulling the anchor but it got stuck and we lost everything. Damn. While we were putting one of our spair sets on we trolled it up for wahoo but we couldn't get past the 50-80 pound tunas to get to the wahoo. On most trips that would be good but on this trip we release those babies. After doing that for a while we got the anchor back down and things never really got rolling. We had a shark problem. Like I said we, were a little nervous after the first day.

Day number 2 didn't start off any better. We had a shark problem. Every bait we put out hooked a grinner. We didn't give it too long before we got to trolling again and this is what we found out. The cows were biting the marauders. We were trolling them up! ? That was a first for me. We were getting fish from small ones we would release to fish up to 215! You never know with fishing. It's a crazy game. So we had it all figured out. For the rest of the day this is what we did. We would troll around with our marauders and our yummy flyers on the kite and catch tuna and wahoo. The 4 remaining anglers not trolling were getting them fishing sardines on the slide. We stayed very busy. 15 fish over 100 that day with 2 of those over 200. The weather picked up that day and would stay windy for the remainder of our time here.

Day 3 was more of the same except the sharks disappeared and we were getting more tired. The fish were getting harder to pull over the rail. We also lost our Matt to an injured knee. We're not sure how it happened. To much of banging it on the rail scooping flyers and he may of hit it on a tuna some how but however it went down he was done. He could barely move about the boat let alone gaff a 200 pounder. Also our fearless leader, and I mean that, hurt his back prier to the trip and has had a hurt wrist for some time now was of little help gaffing 200 pounders as well so we were down to 3 of us and a "Gringo". That's our galley assistant. That's right Gringo fans, he's been back for some time now. Any hoo around 5:00 p.m. things started to really liven up with tuna flying out of the water everywhere so we threw the anchor over and had pretty much wide open fishing on the bigguns till about 7:30. We landed 12 over 100, most of those closer to 200 with 4 of them over that mark. Nice.

Day 4 was different. The tuna stopped biting on the troll and things got back to the way we're used to. Anchor fishing and we did well. The fish started biting at 1:00 p.m. for a little while then things slowed down until around 5:30 when things went ballistic similar to the night prior. 11 fish over 100 with 4 of those over 200 and George getting his personal best which went 297. We're hoping it goes over 3 at the dock. We'll see. When I'm giving these fish counts keep in mind we are releasing many fish if they aren't in the 200 pound range.

Day 5 was pretty much spent on anchor. We had a late night with Brian being stuck on a big one for hours. We didn't get to bed until 11:00 p.m. so when the crew woke up at 4:00 a.m. nobody was awake except Charlie. Here's why. He had a 186 pounder completely wreck him. I mean he got his but kicked like I've never seen him get his but kicked before. This happened the day before so he went to bed early that night and was up with us bright and early. Anyways he had a 207 landed before anyone else was even up besides the crew. He hooked another one shortly after that too but after a long battle the fish one and lived to fight another day. We had more action throughout the day but there were many lulls in between the action but it was a slower day for sure. Not a slow day though. We had 7 over 100 with 3 of those going over 200 pounds. Tommy had been keeping an eye on the storm that's been brewing the whole time we were down there and decided on this night to start heading north to keep us all safe. The storm became a tropical storm and was still getting stronger and closer so we had to take off leaving 1 day to fish somewhere north.

Here are some firsts for me and most others on this boat that happened while we were down there: I have never seen a shark problem that bad and then seeing them disappear like they did. One hour it was not fishable and that afternoon they were pretty much all gone,. I have never seen a 200 pounder let alone so many 200 pounders and just big tuna in general bite the trolled marauders like they did for a few days down here. I have never seen a 186 pounder jump completely out of the water right next to the boat after being on the line for 5 minutes or any amount of time for that matter. The fish must have thought it was a dorado. I have never seen Charlie not at the rail 100% percent of the time the fish were biting and it's because of A. he's reached the age of 60 but mostly B. I have never seen fish fight as hard as they fought on this trip. I mean they were brutal. Mean mean fish. I have seen 350+ pounders come in much easier then the 160+ pounders we were hooking. We lost a lot of big fish on this trip. We think about 50% of the big ones we hooked we lost. Not because of angler error but because these were just mean mean fish.

Here are some of the pricey things that happened during the trip. We lost one set of anchor gear, we lost 2 big giant 12 volt batteries, our refrigerator broke down , we lost and broke 3 gaffs, fuel prices are nasty, but the look on Matts face when I offered him a sponge bath because he couldn't stand up in the shower was priceless. Oh Mathew. He's doing a little better then before. The swelling went down a little and there is a little less pain then he had before but the poor guy has got to be just borred out of his mind and just bummed he missed out on some great big mean tuna fishing.

We will keep you filled on the ride home .

July 20, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

82 yellowfin 2 bluefin 19 yellowtail. When we stop on a school of tuna every bait that hits the water gets looked at by the fish. If it isn’t presented perfectly they won’t touch it. We highly recommend changing your bait often, the more presentations you make the more likely you are to make a perfect one. 20lb flouro and size 2 hooks are what worked best.

July 19, 2024 cattaraugus creek Fishing Report

~~Sep. 17
 We had bad odds today.  We fished for wahoo and our fish hooked to fish landed ratio was poor.  It always is with wahoo but I feel today was extra bad.  I think if you're landing half of what you hook with wahoo you're doing OK.  Today at best we were 1/3.  At best.  I called out to 2 of our anglers fishing today and asked what there ratio was for the day and I got a 1/2 and a 1/4.  Then my buddy Dave came up to the wheel house and said he was 0/4.  So that gives you an idea.  If we would've caught half of what we hooked today we would've had a really good day.

 Alright.  I'm done whining.  I'm still glad we came here.  Everybody got there chance at a wahoo and there's still a chance for some more tomorrow.  We're headed inside now and we'll be fishing for wahoo while we're looking for tuna first thing tomorrow morning.  The weather now is fantastic.  A little weird this morning with mixed swell and a wind coming from the southwest but it's beautiful now.

 We couldn't come to an agreement on a price for someone to wear Mark's shirt today.  Justin wanted 200 and Mike said he'd do it for 150 but I couldn't find enough people to chip in.  It was a good one too.  He was wearing a white shirt today, so by 9:00 this morning he could've entered a wet t-shirt contest.  He may have won too if you're into guys like Mark.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for cattaraugus creek are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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