fishing hole Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 10, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 11-15-2013



The majestic blood-red sunset that we experienced at the end of our day today was simply magnificent. I'm not exaggerating. Allow me to set the stage. We've been struggling to find the fish that we've been looking for in sufficient quantities over the past few days, but we found EXACTLY what the doctor had ordered earlier in the afternoon. One of the crew perched in the crow's nest spotted some bird activity around a floating object in the distance. We trolled past the inflated "gas bag", and soon the entire boat erupted in mayhem. Virtually every bait to hit the water was quickly inhaled by the voracious dorado residing near the flotsam. Once we put the hurt on those good-size flatheads, the wahoo started to bite. We did well. Real well. Anyway, back to the sunset. Visualize a full moon rising in the east, casting glimmering silhouettes on the slight chop, as the sun is setting in the west, lighting up the entire field of vision with a crimson glow. It was simply magnificent. We fished until darkness interrupted us.

"Red sky at night ..." . so of course we're looking forward to another beautiful day out here tomorrow, weather-wise. The fishing is merely icing on the cake. Speaking of cake ... dinner tonight is a braised German chicken dish. Gotta go, I'm hungry!

The nameless guest writer...

March 9, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

Bring a yo-yo rod if you are coming out with us tomorrow. There has been some yellowtail sightings in La Jolla.

March 8, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Hello friends. Well, the countdown is on. Come Saturday, the Polaris Supreme will be departing on her first trip of the 2012 season and the excitement level around here is very high. With all of our major maintenance projects being completed, we've shifted our focus to cleaning up the mess that the past month and a half as created along with finishing up some of the little "knick-knack" projects. Today, Jamie got serious in the galley wiping down the ceiling, the walls and countless other cleaning and organizing projects while Chef Schooler took inventory and is preparing for a fun day of shopping for the galley. As far as the rest of us, Mark, Tommie, Drew and myself have been doing various wood-work refinishing, organizing the engine room and deck, firing all the machinery up and working on the A/C unit. I'm pretty excited to see how the A/C will run this year as we've done some fine tuning to the unit to make it run more efficient with less noise. We'll see how everything goes when we install the new evaporator on Thursday. Jamie did a super clean in the galley, Schooler took inventory, and the bossman organized the wheelhouse and made various upgrades to some of our weather and fishing programs. We had all hands on deck today and we'll be popping in and out throughout the week to ensure that all systems are a go come Saturday.

So that's all. We're getting pretty fired up as the day is soon arriving that we shove off and hopefully find ourselves knee deep in some of those beautiful Bluefin tuna that are running around offshore and some homeguard Yellowtail at the islands. But for now, we'll just keep getting things cleaned up and organized. We'll chat with you tomorrow.

-Richie & Team Supreme

March 7, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

65 yellowfin tuna (15-25 lbs) 129 purple skipjack aku tuna.  The skilled bait fisherman with a 20 lb setup and #2 hook was hooked up all day today.

March 6, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

21 pass. 88 yellowtail 2 bonito. Tomorrow’s trip has been cancelled due to weather. Wind is forecasted till Wednesday. Nice weather starts on Thursday.

March 5, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

What a great day of fishing. Just couldn't be better. Everyone has had their fill of albacore so we are heading off to do some Island fishing for some of those big yellowtail. We should be there by daybreak tomorrow. Weather is fantastic.

March 4, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

Never found the lucky kelp today. Still scratched up a mixed bag in beautiful weather. 18 dorado 27 yellowtail 29 skipjack.

March 3, 2025 fishing hole Fishing Report

Many of you know Captain Ray Montera who has been involved in sportfishing most of his life. In March, his 32 year old Chris son was severely injured in a C4 blast in Afghanistan. We are holding a fundraiser on October 8th at the Bali Hai on Shelter Island. He is one of our own and we are rallying to support him.

As an Army soldier, Chris Montera was often taken aback when people would thank him for doing the job he loved. On a fateful day in March, he came to face the sacrifice. He was on a dismounted mission and was hit with explosion of C4, which literally blasted and propelled him into a grape field. He suffered major issues with blast lung and severe burns over much of his body. For 9 days he was on ECMO (lung bypass) until he was stable enough to be transported to BAMC in San Antonio for the treatment of his shrapnel wounds and third degree burns. On April 2 a fungal infection set into the wounds on his lower extremities and Chris underwent bilateral AK amputation of his legs. He was further diagnosed with an incomplete spinal cord injury in the thoracic area of the spine at VA Polytrauma Center in Palo Alto.

Through all of this, Chris remains focused and committed to rehabilitation. It is estimated that he will remain in Palo Alto for 3-6 months while he works to regain his upper body strength, which will be necessary for the next stages of rehab in the C5 program at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego where he will be fitted with prosthetic legs and with determination will learn to walk again. There is no doubt in our minds that Chris will recover to live an independent life. The goal of this fundraiser is to be able to assist Chris with expenses he will no doubt encounter on his journey to independence.

The event will be held at the Bali Hai Restaurant on Shelter Island On October 8th from 6:00-10:00 pm. There will be food stations serving food from many San Diego restaurants along with a no host bar. A raffle, live, and silent auction will take place during the event along with live entertainment by Mango Bay and World Famous Jim Gibson. The outpouring of support of raffle and auction donations from the sportfishing community, tackle, fishing supply manufacturers, and local businesses has been phenomenal. The evening will be great fun for all and will serve to help a young man who put it all on the line.

There are several ways you can help:
First and most important is attend the event.

Tickets are $50 in advance or $450 for a block of 10

Advance ticket purchases will include 3 raffle tickets and assorted swag

Cannot attend but would like to help, make a cash donation in any amount.

Donate an item for the raffle or auction. Anything from fishing items, art, gift certificates, clothing...anything is greatly appreciated.

We look forward to having you at the event. The sport fishing community has come together to take care of a wounded warrior of their own, and it promises to be a fun filled evening for all.

To purchase tickets for Island Nights at the Bali Hai, please visit our website at

To donate items for our raffle/auction please visit our website and complete the donor form

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for fishing hole are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

Add your report