lake link Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 12, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Sep. 11

So here's the deal. We had a good finisher today. We started bright and early with coffee and stuff and then got on a school of those 30-40 plus pounders. It didn't stick longer then for us to get a couple handfuls. Then we had more coffee and stuff and then we had another school of those bf's that treated us the same. Then Shawn was ready to serve lunch but before Tommy could give the announcement we got on a school of 15-20 pounders that bit well for us. We didn't hang out long. We caught a couple rounds worth and then gave the school to our friends on another boat. Then we searched for another school of those bigguns but never found it before we were out of time. We did find another school of the 15-20's and finished our time on those. They were biting good. It was a lot of fun.

After that the crew enjoyed a boat scrub while the passengers enjoyed naps, movies, champagne, wine, cocktails, soda pop, and some relaxation with friends. A fantastic trip with a beautiful day on the weather side of things too. Sunny with not much wind. Nice. Thanks Robin and friends. Until next time. P.S. Its in range of our 2 dayer.

February 11, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 10-23-2012 End Of Day

After the seminar there was a group fitting of OTR harnesses and a rush to get rid of all 80 lb. rigs and less and switch over to 100 lb. plus on all rigs. you see all the fish where we will be in 44 hrs are over 150 lbs. Thats right the small ones are 150 lbs. Don't worry the boys can handle it. We had a little split pea soup and ...
turkey sandwich for lunch to fuel us for the wire tying party that ensued. There was also a gaff rigging party that you missed Richie. Staple gun repair, flood light cleaning and repair,bait siphoning, fixed the furuno-Navnet meter problem, got that waste of money USCG required DSC single side band radio working right, and a few more things fixed. I just wrote all that out so when we write the usual stuff in the future you know what we are talking about. All in all a very productive day. The anglers did a bunch of rigging and caught enough Dorado for tacos, a nice fillet meal, enchilada's and Dorado ceviche in the coming days. Right now its Tito's and Stogies while we wait for a little tender loin dinner. Weather is fantastic and the boys all said to say hi and they miss you all. Except the cat....

Sea Ya Tomorrow Tommy

February 10, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

We departed nice and early on Paul Hess's annual 5-day charter. Every year Paul puts together a great group of guys. Most are always repeat customers, but I saw one or two new faces this year.

Everyone is anxious to get out there and get their lines wet. The prospects look good for albacore, yellowtail and yellow fin. Our weather is good for the start and lets hope it stays nice. Thanks for checking in!

Tommy and crew

February 9, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

22 Anglers, 22 Yellowtail, and 87 Bonito. Light loads and good action.


February 8, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Sept. 21

Well we never saw a bluefin today. Or a dorado for that matter. We were ready for them too. I had my lucky bluefin cap on, Gunny had his bluefin pants on and Mark is fat. Nope. Never saw a one. We did once again see some yellowfin tuna of all sizes. One kelp we looked at had an incredable school on it. We just sat there and watched the tuna boil around in fury. It was really cool. We just watched because for one, we already had our limits and for two they were the smaller grade. We called it a little earlier then we planned on due to the weather. Oh man. It was really nice weather in the morning. Then suddenly after lunch time it got really windy out and we started to really roll around alot. I'm currently standing with my legs as far spread apart as I can get them just to be able to type this report and I am misspelling every other werd.

We are headed to the barn now and we get 2 nights in to spend with our wives, fiances, girlfriends, friends, pets and family depending on which crew member we're talking about. We come back out Tuesday night on a 1.5 day trip. This was definately a memorable trip and I mean that in a good way even when it was bad it was good. Cool group and myself and the crew are glad we got to spend this 8 day with them. Thank you.

February 7, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Reed Fiori checked in this evening with an audio update from Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today the San Diego fished at the Coronado Islands. They had 18 anglers catch 25 Yellowtail, 42 Bonito and 56 Red Rock Cod. The Yellowtail bit late in the day. The Yo-Yo Jig was the ticket and there was a couple fishing caught on the surface iron.

The San Diego is a go this Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Call Seaforth Sportfishing at (619) 224-3383 or BOOK ONLINE at our website.

February 6, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Captain Jodie Morgan called in from The Apollo. We just returned from a 2.5 day trip and we had limits of Yellowtail and 52 Bluefin Tuna (25 to 65 pounds). If you are interested in jumping on the Apollo call the chartermaster Allan 714-797-9030 to get in on a Two Day trip July 17th and 18th.

February 5, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Report 7-26-2016 Today the weather flattened out and got comfortably warm. We started out by catching less of the little yellowtail that has been around in such force, and more quality fish. Although the baby yellows were not as big of a problem today, the sign is slowly disappearing here. Even so we still caught many quality yellows. It was very enjoyable catching the big fish and not having to weed through the small ones and Bonito like yesterday. In the early afternoon we decided to head offshore and start making our way up the line putting ourselves in position for fishing tomorrow. In our travels we found some kelps that kicked out a few more yellows as well as a beautiful Dorado. Looking forward to tomorrow, Team Supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for lake link are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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