lake link Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 12, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

July 6

Today went as planned. We did about what we thought we'd do. Scratched at yellowfin most of the day. Our best stop was for 7, then 6, we had a handfull of 4's and the rest were 3's 2's and 1's. That's exactly how the tuna fishing has been on a good day for the last few weeks so we had a good day.

The weather did what it was supposed to do. It was beautiful in the morning and got breezy in the afternoon. It looks like the wind backed off when it got dark. Hopefully it stays that way. We're heading down to Cedros Island now and we'll be there at day break.

March 11, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Quick summary for Tuesday!

We finished up the trip fishing a high spot for yellowfin tuna and yellowtail We ended up with a great well-rounded three-day trip. We were so busy we just didn't have time to take a lot of pictures.

The Polaris Supreme Crew!

March 10, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Capt Matt and the boys are engaged with a school of bluefin. They currently have 7 on deck and few more hanging. The fish they have landed so far are 25-35 lbs. I’m sure the big boys are watching and waiting for their opportunity to bite someone’s light line. Come prepared with a 25 lb setup a 40 lb setup and a setup capable of landing a fish over 100 lbs. the variety of available fish sizes creates a bit of a pickle but trust me when I tell you. You want to use heavier than needed equipment rather than the opposite.

March 9, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Hi friends. We departed on our second day and a half trip this evening and --to everyones surprise-- loaded up with some healthy looking sardines. We'll see how they live throughout the night but we're happy with what we see so far. Sounds like the fishing is good offshore on some footballs but those healthy bluefin made an appearance today as well. With a good looking weather forecast on the horizon, we're excited to get down to the zone and see what we can do.

We'll chat with you tomorrow and report on our day. Wish us luck and hopefully, we'll do better than the NFL replacement officials did this season. Take care.

-The Supreme Team

March 8, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 11-29-2018 Another fantastic day of fishing from the time we got up at 530 until the time we left the island at one p.m. It's incredible what a great trip we have had here at Guadalupe. Most of the fish are in the 80 pound range with a few towards 150 and a few smaller. We normally can stay here at the island until dark but our forecast weather does not look good! We took off early so we could get a decent ride home at least in the beginning On the subject of who were the hot sticks on the boat! It was the people number one that had the skills but also were fishing 50 to 80 pound Spectra backing 50 to to 60 pound top shots of Mono with 50 or 60 pound flouro carbon leaders and a 3/0 to 5/0 circle or standard designer. We will try to give your report tomorrow but I can tell you next group bring your windbreaker! The Polaris Supreme Crew.

March 7, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

Hi friends. I just want to start off by saying that Travis Donahue our new best friend. That guy gets on the boat and the Bluefin just are drawn to this guy. He's been on the boat three times this year already and every time he's out, the Bluefin bite. It's truly amazing. This trip was no exception as he tagged along with Garth and the boys from Optima and we had ourselves a good day on 15-30 lb. Bluefin. The other boats in the area struggled but we filled the box a few times on a couple of stops and we also managed to catch three thirty pound Yellowfin off of a kelp along with some Yellowtail. Like I said, it wasn't for everyone out here but thankfully, we had Travis on the boat and everything was just fine for us on the Supreme. We also had awesome weather to round out a fun day of fishing and we're currently en route back to San Diego. We'll be back to the docks tomorrow morning around 0900 hours. Thanks for checking in and thanks to the gang from Optima as well. Take care and we'll chat with you in a few days.

P.S. Mike Grella - thanks for the rags. You're the man.

March 6, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

One day trip 21 yellowtail, 11 dorado, 4 bluefin tuna, 2 yellowfin tuna. Fun day, back out tonight !

March 5, 2025 lake link Fishing Report

April 17 & 18, 2013

Wednesday (the 17th) we had 10-11 Tuna in the 110-197 lb range and 12 wahoo. This morning we so far we have 8 tuna in the same range as yesterday, and 2 wahoo. Conditions are still good and we are having fun with the kite fishing. Yesterday we had some wind, and today's forecast is to be more, but so far we are having good weather. Hope it keeps up.

Thanks for checking in.

The Polaris Supreme Crew

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for lake link are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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