Ryan Bostian called in to give his Coronado Island Fish Report, "We went out with 50 passengers,we came back with 19 Yellowtail, 3 Calico Bass and 25 Rockfish. Things are definitely on the upswing here at the Coronado Islands. We had a little bit of weather go thru late last week. We had phenomenal fishing right before the storm last week. When the weather went thru it knocked the water temperature down. Things are definitely on the upswing. The water is anywhere from 63 to 65.5 degrees. Very, very clean water. We've had pretty darn consistent Yellowtail fishing down at the Coronado Islands for the last two months.
If you'd like to catch a Yellowtail come on down. You can book your trip on line at Seaforth Landing or call our office at 619-224-3383. Bring a fly line sardine rod, 25 lb. test, a 2/0 hook. We also caught some fish on the yoyo lures 40 lb. test."