st george island Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 12, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

~~Sep. 19
 Today was mostly a travel day for us.  We did have a nice little surprise in the morning.  We had a double jig strike on wahoo.  Then we had a couple more singles.  Then we had one more single a little later along with a few dorados.  When we got to the yellowtail grounds in the afternoon we found mucho wind.  It was blowing 25-30 knots right through the grounds we were planning on fishing so we fished elsewhere.  We found a little spot with some current before dark and we captured 6 cow yellows, we're talking 30-40 pounders, to go along with lots of 10-12 pounders and some bonito.  Action is what we call that.  We now have to head north and we'd like to find some dorado tomorrow.  It's going to be a bumpy/windy ride up tonight and we hope for it to back off tomorrow for our fishing and ride home.

February 11, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

Tuesday June 28, 2011

We arrived today at Fisherman's Landing at 7 am after a nice smooth ride last night.  After weighing up the jackpot we were pleasantly surprised with the fact that the yellows were larger than we thought.  Joe Beck took 1st place with a 42.6 lb yellowtail.  Mike Grella took 2nd with a 41.3 yellowtail and Tim Walsh followed it all up with the 3rd place 39.6 lb yellowtail.  Congratulations to our jackpot winners.

The Polaris Supreme will be departing next on Thursday afternoon on a private 1 1/2 day charter sponsored by Optima.  We still have openings on our 3-day departing July 10 as well as other trips throughout the summer.  Give Susan a call to get on board.

Thanks!  Tommy and crew

P.S. Yes Kub, that was the yellowtail Joe hooked on the jig on his first cast of the morning.  Thanks to you, for waking him up for the bite!

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Good evening. A sloppy ride last night was forgotten about around 1000 hours this morning as what was a crummy ride a few hours before turned into a stable ride for most of the day. With the bucking seas last night we only had an hour or so of actual stop time if we got into anything special but it never happened. We trolled through beautiful water today but were unable to locate or catch anything. Lack of bait species in the water is probably the reason we didn't see much and hopefully, it's just a matter of time before everything gets in order and we get a shot at some offshore action. We'll see.

The gang broke down tackle today and got caught up on sleep that a bouncy ride deprived them of. The crew scrubbed the boat and took care of a few maintenance projects before days end. Our traditional fillet and lobster dinner was served promptly at 1800 hours and a bow was put on the 2011 Beck/Wagstaff party. We had slow fishing for a couple days to start off the trip but we finished up with a bang and all in all, we call this trip a success. We're grateful for the guys being a great group to have on-board regardless of catching fish or not. They are a fun bunch of passengers to hang out with and for that, we thank them. We also thank Joe Beck and Mal Wagstaff for year after year putting together quite the mix of personalities that make this trip an excellent one to start the season out with.

We're heading home in nice weather and we're prepared for a date with docks tomorrow. Our ETA to Fisherman's Landing is 0700 hours Tuesday morning and we'll be back out Thursday night for a day and a half trip. Time to get local. Chat with you then, good night.


Team Supreme

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

February 10, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

17 yellowfin 12 mahi 36 yellowtail. An angry ocean made finding kelps a bit interesting but we were able string a few together. Encouraging sign starting to show up in our zone. A flyline setup with 25-40lb is what we recommend.

February 9, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

Captain Andrew Viola called in late last night at 11:15 PM.  We just wrapped up an overnight charter.  It was a tough morning the fish slept in.  The fish showed up later in the day and we managed 3 Bluefin Tuna (up to 120 pounds).  It was a very encouraging sign of fish once we got on them.  

We had a 2 day Izorline trip tonight and we have a SOLD OUT trip departing Friday night.

Upcoming Trips
Sunday Night 1.5 Day Trip - has spots
Tuesday Night 1.5 Day Trip - has spots

February 8, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

TERRIFIC OVERNITE TRIP!! APOLLO went with 15 passengers scored 75 Yellowfin, 8 Dorado, & 3 Yellows. Check out their next open party trip. Call Fisherman's Landing @ (619)221-8500

February 7, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

Mike Pritchard called in this morning with this report for the Tribute. "We've had a very nice start here this moring. A couple of kelps have been absolutely fantastic. Great Yellowtail fishing to go along with some Yellowfin and Dorado. We caught 160 Yellowtail out of 2 drifts. A lot of the fish were caught on surface irons, swimbait and even poppers.

"We are now targeting some tuna or maybe some Dorado. We'll keep you informed."

February 6, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 07-12-2016 Good afternoon guys and gals, Polaris Supreme checking in. We arrived to the spot early this morning and the big yellowtail started biting right off the bat! We were catching them on fly line baits and surface irons primarily. It was exciting to watch these fish swim up to the surface irons and bashed them out of the water. At times LB, the charger master's son, could not go two casts without getting followed or bit on the surface iron. We had a steady 2 to 3 fish going, at times more, until about 9am. We were still hooking fish but we got word from one of our code boats that there is some pretty good yellowfin tuna fishing going on within our reach. So we have now decided to go on the hunt for yellowfin tuna. We have good weather for it! Wish us luck, Team Supreme

February 5, 2025 st george island Fishing Report

~~Oct. 15
 I forgot to mention yesterday how steamy it is down here.  Steamy, like we're boiling a giant pot of water or something, I can't explain it.  Anyways when you walk out of an air and conditioned part of the boat it's like POW!  Holy Toledo!  But after a little bit you get used to it and it's not that bad until you find some AC again and then come back out and it's like, POW again.  Anyways, we had a little more wind this morning which helped with the kite fishing and it stayed one direction which helped with the anchor fishing.  We had another decent morning.  George caught another over 200 and his bud Craig joined him with a 207.  The sharks weren't as ferocious this morning and this afternoon I'd have to say they weren't much of a problem at all.  We really did a number on the wahoo yesterday because today we only caught a few but thankfully we had a great day on the anchor starting mid morning or after lunch, I already can't remember.

 The boxed and vacuum sealed flying fish from Florida the gang brought down really paid off today.  That's mostly what I did this afternoon was rig flying fish for the kite and help gaff tuna when they needed me. For a couple hours they were hitting the baits on the kite as fast as we could put them out.  Most of what we're catching is in the 100-130 pound class. The big story was Charlie this afternoon.  He caught 3 bigguns.  A 194, 213, and a 204.  A nice afternoon for Charlie.  About half the gang are already releasing anything under 200 pounds.

 For dinner we had a lovely corned beef and cabbage and potato meal.  Afterwards I was waiting for the shower and i noticed all the tuna that was under the boat and I pointed it out to the chef.  So he went down there and sinker rigged a sardine right on top of one of the tunas heads and he got himself a 177 pounder shattering his previous personal best of 35 pounds.  Way to go Mike.  Most people at the time were tying on new top shots on there reels.  They all new what was going on and that they could most likely do the same but nobody did a thing.  Everyone was fished out so that shows we had a good day.  You just can't fish 24 hours a day.


Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for st george island are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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