oifc Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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May 1, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Captain Mike Pritchard just checked in to report that Captain Jake found a school of Bluefin Tuna off the bank and they are up to 18 fish right now. Stay tuned ...

April 30, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Our private charter had to display some good old fashioned patience today. In a typical 3/4 day trip we can expect to make about 3-5 moves thru ought the day looking for fish. Today however, we did not find what we were looking for until our 9th stop of the day. The rapidly changing conditions coupled with the short windows of biting fish have been driving yours truly crazy the past couple of days. Today's photo will show you why we have been putting ourselves thru such mental anguish. Today's final count for our 31 passengers is 11 yellowtail 20 calico bass 16 barracuda 7 rockfish. Our yellowtail today weighed 20-35 pounds and were biting the fly lined sardines the best.

April 29, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Good afternoon. Boatwork is progressing nicely. Wrenches have been thrown, flashlights have been chucked, and the curse words have been flowing like the beer flows like wine in a little place called Assssssspppen. I personally have never heard quite so many variations of the F word in my short life. That's boatwork, though. It's like beating your head against a wall for a... month but somehow, after you think that you can't take anymore of a bashing, a beautiful new wall comes about and we're happy again. Yay!

Sorry for the rant but we're in the middle of repainting the generators and main engines and that isn't an easy task. A lot of prep work and scrubbing crud with a toothbrush, literally, but if they come out as good as Jed's compressors and motors came out, we are going to have the prettiest engine room in the fleet.

With our Coast Guard inspection on Friday, we decided to bring the reinforcements in and his name is Mark. I snapped a really awesome photo of Mark on a short break that I can't wait to share. It's like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this particular photo says it all without saying a word. I promise, I'll get those photos up soon.

Anyhow, I don't mean to vent but I truly wanted to give everyone a glimpse into what goes into maintaining a vessel such as the Polaris Supreme. A lot of blood, sweat, tears (we cry tears of joy at days end), and curse words go into loving our beloved boat but we truly do love her because she loves us when we show her love. Let me tell you, we are showing her a lot of love and it's on the inside, and that's true love - it runs deeper than the eye can see.

Bye now. Keep on the watch for some photos.

- The Supreme Lovers of the Polaris Supreme

April 28, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Hi friends and happy October to all of you. First off, I was going to smack that weatherman right in the mouth this morning but he was pretty dead-on with his prediction of this evenings weather, so we cool again. Our ride back to San Diego Bay is a beautiful, moon-lit excursion -- a perfect ride for a fillet mignon dinner. The weather wasn't all that bad today, just about ten knots more breeze than predicted and the seas were spaced out and low today so it was just windy. Like I said, the weather now is just dandy so I can't be all that bummed about the excess wind.

We started off this morning in the eastern edge of things and although my gameplan for the day was right on, my execution was about an hour or so behind. We were hoping to catch a bunch of yellowfin and dorado this morning and then roll out to the west all day, get to the western edge and look for bluefin and albacore to end the day. After screwing around in the eastern zone and having not caught a fish for a couple of hours we slowly motored out to the west and just before lunch -- thinking I was hot stuff with thirty tuna and a dozen dorado on the boat -- a boat to to the west got on a kelp that ended his day. Ugh, just where I wanted to be too. After that, we plotted the position and kicked her up on our westerly tack to get out there by the afternoon time.

The bad thing about this whole scenario was that we never found the kelp our "buddy boat" bagged for us. The good news is that we found one of our own. A big, beautiful lady-of-a-kelp with a "smaller" sister about a thousand yards upswell of her and once we set up the drift for both of them, it was on like donkey kong. We had a really fun afternoon pulling on 12-22 lb. yellowfin tuna and a really nice grade of dorado to go with the tunas as well. It wasn't WFO at all, just a steady pick with three to five going all the time. The gang had a ball and before you knew it, we were finished up with our daily limit of yellowfin tuna and dorado. Better late than never.

The one thing that I'm feeling down about is the fact that we never made it out to the western edge to look for bluefin and albacore. But we had a fine day of fishing on yellowfin and flatheads and the passengers are pumped. Good times! We'll be in tomorrow morning at 0600 hours and we'll be back out on Wednesday night for another day and a half trip. We'll chat with you then. I'm sorry for the long report. Direct your slick comments to Tommy and he'll pass them along to me at a later date. Good night.

-The Supreme Team

April 27, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in San Diego, CA. We fished at the Coronado Islands yesterday. It was our first trip at the Islands for a months. We had 13 anglers and we had full limits of Yellowtail on our first stop of the day. We had excellent fishing for Yellowtail, Bonito and Calico Bass. They were biting on surface iron and fly-lined baits.

The loads are light. We had two reservations for tomorrow so we should have plenty of room on the boat.

April 26, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Today we went out with 40 anglers and caught 16 yellowtail and 33 rockfish. We had a couple good shots at fish today. Unfortunately our hook to land ratio was a bit low. This spring is setting up nicely.

April 25, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Sept. 28

Another beautiful day on the Polaris Supreme. Nothing to report really other then great weather, great food and great company. Today we did our wahoo seminar, some light rigging of tackle, and a lot of good old fashioned relaxation. There were some naps, some reading, and a cocktail hour or two and I smelled and partook in some cigar smoking. Mmm, mmm, mmm. We did a little bit of trolling for not much. A couple small tuna not worth keeping and Brian caught Jody a nice dorado. After dinner we made a few drifts for giant squid for not much. We caught some but we want more so we'll try again tomorrow night. Until then we will do more of the same that you read above while we travel down.

The Polaris Supreme Crew.

April 24, 2024 oifc Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today was a slow day. We spent it offshore working some great looking water stopping on kelp and other floating things. However the fish we found were not the most willing to bite. However we did finish the day successfully making mackerel for tomorrow. Hopefully the tuna and Wahoo have a taste for these local Mackerel. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for oifc are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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