turangi Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location TURANGI
🌎 Country NZ
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πŸ—“οΈ Next Update Tomorrow
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February 12, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

Today went as planned. We fished yellowtail for a few hours in the afternoon to break up the travel time getting down below. We had to hunt a little but everybody on board got their share of tugging and pulling. We're traveling tonight toward the ridge. We should arrive in the afternoon if we don't stop prior to.

February 11, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

~~Oct. 23
 Remember yesterday when I said we would find our dorado kelp?  Well we conquered that quest.  I tell no lies.  An hour or so after breakfast, maybe 2, we found a kelp loaded and we went to battle and overall I think we won.  I mean we caught exactly what we wanted.  Beautiful mahi mahi.  After that we went back to travel mode and we'll be arriving to our slip in San Diego tomorrow at 0800 hours.  We ate some of that mahi for dinner tonight while we watched a slide show of all the pictures taken this trip presented to us by Tommy.  Everyone misses there wives and they all told me, "Drew, I couldn't spend another minute without my wife".  That's why this trip was 15 days.  It's the maximum amount of time we can spend without our wives.

 So we tie up tomorrow and that's the way we'll stay until November 9th, when we'll be departing on a 10 day trip.  So until then, I'd just like to say how much I'll miss writing to you all.  Stay classy and thanks for stopping by, but mostly, stay classy.

February 10, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Hi friends. Back at it today and it was a pretty good day of boatwork. Well, as good as a day of boatwork could be. We shifted our cleaning and organizing efforts to the wheelhouse today. In all honesty, it looks beautiful. Everything is neatly placed in it's correct spot and it's easy to locate and get access too. But in all honesty, in about two months, it's probably going to look exactly how it did before we cleaned it up. But, that's how it is on a boat. Things get thrown around in the heat of an on-water emergency and roll around during rough seas. For now, it's looking good. Speaking of looking good, our friend Stanley Steamer payed the boat a visit today and our carpets got a nice cleaning as well. All in all, a fine day of boatwork and we're one day closer to our first trip on Saturday.

Projects for tomorrow include: some refrigeration maintenance, some A/C work, more cleaning and organizing and we'll take a ride to the fuel dock to change oil and fuel filters, take on more oil and fuel and take a little boat ride about San Diego Bay and see how things are running while we're underway. We'll chat with you tomorrow.

-Richie & Team Supreme

P.S. A little news update for you, our fellow long-range companion, the American Angler, spotted lots of scattered tuna jumping about in overnight range. Check out our schedule and take a peak at some of our early season 1.5, 2 and 3-day trips. Give Susan a call ASAP at 619 390 7890 and get in on some of this early season action that seems to be perking up more and more everyday.

February 9, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

POLARIS SUPREME TRIP REPORT 09-23-2020 We departed today on Joe Becks annual 8 day trip.The weather is great and our bait stinks. lots of spinners. hopefully enough will cure out to make the trip. Not much to report the usual rigging eating and napping. The picture is of our new storage box an rod holders we built in the bow to replace the old bait tank. We will be traveling all day tomorrow. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 8, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

The San Diego out of Seaforth Landing in San Diego,CA checked in with us today:

4 yellowtail and plenty of rockfish. We saw a couple nice schools of yellowtail. They act like cold water fish !

February 7, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

The spring Season is nearly upon us and we will be taking the Apollo to Santa Barbara for the rockfish opener and hopefully a productive seabass season. We have an unusual amount of open weekend dates for this spring, between March 1rst and May 15th. Take a look at our calendar at apollocharters.com. Take advantage of these rare openings and book your own charter with me and my excelent crew today. Come fish with us out of Santa Barbara and experience the easiest and shortest ride to Santa Rosa and San Miguel Islands. This means more fishing time and easier access to those harder to reach destinations. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you, J.J. Gerritsen.

February 6, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

Good evening everyone, Today we started off the day in kelp land. Finding many nice kelps along a nice water color break. One in particular held a slew of different game fish. Dorado, Wahoo, Yellowtail, and Tuna. Most of them where on the small side, but it was still great fun catching such a variety of fish. Later on we were able to slide inside and finish off the day with some coastal Yellowtail. It was great ending the day with a nice hit on the Yellowtail. Biting the iron very well, adding to the fall 10 day variety pack. We are pointed north at the moment trying to cover some ground to make it in on time Wednesday morning. Will report again tomorrow, Team Supreme

February 5, 2025 turangi Fishing Report

Ok guys I just got the final report from captain Brian Kiyohara. Brian has been driving the San Diego occasionally while the American Angler is shut down. Brian reported seeing 5 or 6 really nice schools of yellowtail today. Most of the schools would pop up to the surface long enough to get the binoculars on them but would vanish by the time he got the boat to them. We have seen this behavior in the past. A mid-day drift however did produce 3 bites from these 15-20 lb. fish. In the end the final talley for 24 anglers was 2 yellowtail 9 barracuda and 1 calico bass. Like I mentioned in my earlier report, these fish should bite better with the improving weather. The coastal eddy that we have had for 2 1/2 days is breaking down. Looks like a lite load tomorrow, make those resos and come on down.

Capt. Ryan

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for turangi are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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