perry lake Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location PERRY LAKE
🌎 Country CA
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🗓️ Next Update Tomorrow
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February 9, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

~~Oct. 13-14
 Nothing to report on Oct. 13.  More of the same.  Though it was our last day so the cocktail hour was to a minimum.  We arrived to our destination around 1:30 in the am Tuesday morning.  We did a tour for flying fish (to use as bait) but we only caught a few.  We kicked the anchor over and most of us got a couple more hours of sleep.  Everyone got up at 0400 hours and got to work.  Some faster than others.  When I woke up George was the only one in the water so I thought I'd give him a hand.  I threw a sinker on a rig and dropped down a sardine and 5 minutes later we had our first tuna aboard.  About an 80 pounder.  It was our sashimi fish.  After that there was a whole lot of good shark and small tuna fishing going down so again during a time when no one was in the water (due to having to retie because of shark teeth), I dropped another bait down, this time on the rod Mark likes to call the OJ (no one knows why), and about 20-30 minutes later we had a 196 pounder aboard.  While that was going on George got hooked up and brought a 218 pounder over the rail.  It wasn't even light out yet.  After that the sharks fully took over.  It was pretty much unfishable so we didn't give it much time, we pulled anchor and got to trolling and for the next 8 hours or so it was steady striking on the wahoos.  Damn.  We caught about 5 per angler so I'd call that good for sure.  For the last few hours we got steady strikes on one of this groups favorite fishing methods, trolling the yummy fliers.  We caught a lot of tuna today on those and on the marauders and some on bait.  They were all mostly in the 120 pound range.

 The weather today sure was interesting.  The wind never had much strength but it couldn't pick a direction.  One minute it was coming out of the northeast, and the next it was coming out of the west.  It did that all day so for that and the sharkies giving us grief we never tried another anchor job today and we're spending the night adrift.  It also rained a whole lot this evening.  I'd say it was raining cats and dogs when I went to bed but it's cleared up now at 0100 hour as I write this on my watch.  One more hour and I'm going back to bed until 5 when we'll all be going back into battle.  Hopefully tomorrow these dang sharks leave us alone.


February 8, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

Great fishing again today with our 17 Angler’s putting the Landings rental gear to the test. 29 Bluefin, 6 Yellowfin and 4 Yellowtail in awesome weather.

February 7, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

July 14 and 15 all in one.
    We fished the 14th offshore in some haven't been fished in waters for a while and we found plenty of tuna but they were all small.  For the most part it's what the grade of yellowfin is this year so we opted to put tags on them.  It bit well on one stop.  After a while we wound in the jigs due to constant jig strikes, we couldn't short stop anymore without it costing us time in the local grounds where the better grade was biting.  Mark and I played a game we call suicide trolling.  We each put out a troll rod and the first one to get a tuna on deck wins.  The boat doesn't stop.  We both got bit instantly but mine fell off.  I kept getting bit but they wouldn't hook.  After 30 seconds I realized I didn't have a hook on my jig and by the time I got a different jig out we were past the fish and Mark took his time and wound his in for the victory.  

    We can't complain about today.  The weather was as good as it gets.  No wind and no sea.  It was beautiful.  We also caught 54 30-35 pound tuna and for what was around today, it was a good score.  We're headed in and we're going to be the first boat in tomorrow at 0530 hours.  We'll be heading back out tomorrow on another 5 day trip.  See you then.


February 6, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

Tommy Rothery docked his Polaris Supreme at Fisherman's Landing August 22 after the season's best tuna trip to Guadalupe Island. There were 24 anglers aboard the first Dan Heil Memorial trip. "I felt like he was there with us," said son and chartermaster Ron Heil. "He would have really enjoyed this trip." Tuna fishing was excellent for the group, so much so that Rothery was able to give the spot up to Art Taylor and the Searcher. "We had plenty of tuna," said Tom, "all we needed. The sharks got some of them." Steve Patterson of Grants Pass won first place for a 103-pound yellowfin. "My best tuna ever," he said. Patterson used a sardine on a 4/0 ringed Gorilla hook tied to 40-pound P-Line and 65-pound Izorline Spectra backing, on an Avet LX reel and a Rogue Rod of seven feet. "He slaughtered me," added Patterson. "I couldn't get my new rod off the rail. He tore up the cork and the diamond wrap." Don Pieper of Arroyo Grande was second for a 72.6-pounder, and Buddy Bales of Spokane, WA won third place, for a 72.2-pound yellowfin tuna. The season's 12th wahoo from Guadalupe was included in the catch.

February 5, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

Mike Pritchard called in with this report for the Tribute. "We are wrapping up our 2 Day Western Outdoor News trip. We had absolutely fabulous fishing. We ended up with limits of Yellowtail, 151 Yellowfin tuna, 7 Bluefin tuna, a dozen Dorado and some Skipjack. The fishing was good the wether was flat and calm.

"It's a good time to get on a boat. We are departing tomorrow on a 3.5 Day trip that is sold out. There is space available on other trips give Seaforth Sportfishing a call at 619-224-3383."

February 4, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

Capt. Jodie called in with this trip announcement for the Apollo. "We have an overnight trip leaving from Sea Landing this Saturday night, fishing on Sunday. The cost is $145, we will be targeting White Seabass. If you are interested in this trip give me qa call at 805-963-3564.

February 3, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

What a great day of fishing. Just couldn't be better. Everyone has had their fill of albacore so we are heading off to do some Island fishing for some of those big yellowtail. We should be there by daybreak tomorrow. Weather is fantastic.

February 2, 2025 perry lake Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today was spent traveling up. A great ride to end a great trip filled with a variety of fish. We would like to thank Billy Stephens for putting together such a great charter! It was a great seven day with a great group of fun anglers, and we look forward to next year! Our ETA is 5:30 See you at the dock, Team Supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for perry lake are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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