lake lanier Fishing Report 2024

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πŸ—ΊοΈ Location LAKE LANIER
🌎 Country CA
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July 26, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

Happy independence day! guys! We finished our day yesterday by continuing to pick away at those larger size yellowtail. Almost all of our anglers ended up with at least one yellowtail and we even had a hand-full of anglers who managed to catch their limit of those larger sized fish. As I'm writing this report, I am seeing quite a few small schools of yellows on the sonar. We are eager to find out what today has in stock for us! Happy Independence Day, Team Supreme

July 25, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in tonight with an update from The San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today we caught 40 yellowtail. We had a couple good shots at them today. Yes you need a passport and sorry I won't tell you where we caught them unless I'm related to you.

July 24, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

We had an ok day here at Guadalupe. Caught some yellowtail with 3 hitting around 30lbs. We also got some excellent grade yellowfin tuna 55-60 pounders. Dinner was a scrumptious Cornish game hen with a rosemary glaze. Martin who works in the office at the landing supplied Pedro with bags full of fresh herbs and peppers from his garden. Thanks Martin! We've had great weather here and certainly enjoyed fishing the island. We will fish tomorrow until about 9am and then head for home.
We should be at the dock Thursday morning at 8:30am. Two spots open on the Sept. 8 if you can get away. Boss won't let you go? Heck, bring him with you.

July 23, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

Cowboy Cuts Out Supercow

Tom Rothery took PIER founder Tom Pfleger and eight other anglers on a 17-day excursion that started on the inside, visited the outside and came back to the inside to finish off the trip with six cows; tuna over 200 pounds. ("Inside" means off the coast of southern Baja, and "Outside" means the Revillagigedos archipelago and the Hurricane Bank.)

"All our days were good," said Rothery, "except for the time we spent off Clarion Island where there were a lot of krill balls and green water. The wahoo on the Hurricane were a little bigger than usual. The skin fishing was good on all methods."

Tom "Cowboy" Fullam of Oceanside pulled off the coup of the adventure when he decked a tuna that taped out around 280 pounds.  When Rothery hung it on the scales a shout went up from the gathered spectators, as the fish hit 303.4 pounds on the certified scales.

"He bit on the slide," said Cowboy, "and he went down right away. He fought for an hour and a half, and then he came up on the bow. He's my best fish."

Tom said he dropped in a sardine on an 8/0 Eagle Claw hook. He used 130-pound Blackwater fluorocarbon and 130-pound Spectra on a Tiagra 50 W reel and a five and a half-foot Calstar rod.

Roger Foster of Orange won second place for a 261-pounder. Foster got his big cow (his best-ever fish, in only 20 minutes) and a 259-pounder with sardines. He said he used sardines on 8/0 hooks with 130-pound P-line and 130-pound Spectra on one of the boat's rigs, featuring a Penn 50 SW reel and an unidentified rod.

Chugey Sepulveda, senior research scientist for Pfleger's PIER Institute, caught a 228-pounder with sardine on an 8/0 Eagle Claw hook. He used 130-pound line and 130-pound Spectra on a Penn 30 W reel and a Penn five and a half-foot rod.

Pat Jaeger of Bishop, a mountain fishing guide, got a 215-pounder in 40  minutes, after it ate his sardine on a 6/0 Eagle Claw hook. He fished with 100-pound Blackwater fluorocarbon and 130-pound Spectra on a Penn 50 SW reel and a custom Calstar Baja Boomer rod.

Chartermaster Tom Pleger said two of the ongoing projects for PIER are a kelp study and a tagging program. The archival tagging study for white sea bass may provide some answers for questions long in the asking regionally, such as where the fish go and what they do when they're not in local waters and available to anglers.

"We'll offer rewards," said Pfleger, "and we'll put out about 100 archival tags."

Polaris Supreme will be her berth in for boat work for the next few weeks.

July 22, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

Variety was the theme on our first 3 local fishing trips of the year. Yellowtail , bonito , halibut , calico bass , sand bass , sheephead , lingcod , red rock cod and rockfish were all part of our fish count the past few days. The highlight of our weekend was a yellowtail we caught Sunday morning that was every bit of 30 pounds. The best rigs were a dropper loop with 6 oz. torpedo sinker and a sliding egg sinker rig with a 3/4 oz. Our next trip is on Friday November 23. Call Seaforth at 619-224-3383 for reservations.

July 21, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Hi friends and happy Columbus Day. For the morning time up until around 1300 hours this afternoon, we sure felt like Columbus. The on-going search for a kelp paddy was getting to the point where I felt that we were going to sail right off the map and into oblivion. Between myself and our mast-men, we searched high and low with the one other boat in the upper area until our eyes were beginning to bleed and our faces burnt by the wind. By morning's end, our tally was a Bluefin tuna and four Yellowtail, ouch. I wish that I could type that we made some crazy move to left field and got on something spectacular to end our day but that just wouldn't be truthful. Well, half of that sentence is true.

We owe our day to our long-range brother, code group affiliate, and good friend, Roy Rose on the Royal Polaris. The "RP" was coming up the line from Cedros Island and really wasn't looking to do any type of fishing as they were just wrapping up an 11-day trip. But Roy is a very cool cat and when Roy's not fishing, he's fishing. Bottom-line, he was more than willing to help us out, drag some jigs, and scan the horizon for signs of life for a few hours as a lower area check. At around 1300 hours, Roy called us up and informed us that he had a couple blind jig strikes on Yellowfin, a couple bait-fish, and he also saw a very nice kelp paddy that he stopped on and --as he put it-- was"corroded" with Yellowtail. Being only a couple hours from his position, we kicked the tires and lit the fires down to his position where he graciously marked this beauty of a kelp for us and he was one-hundred percent correct; this kelp was LOADED with Yellowtail. We made three drifts on the kelp, got all we needed and began the search for tuna, which was unsuccessful, but our day was salvaged thanks to our good friends on the RP. My point is, that it's good to know good people, and Roy is one of the best and we owe him greatly. Although Roy is one of the nicest guys around, any one of our long-range brethren would've done the same for us as we would for them. Helping out each other is what makes the long-range fleet one of the finest teams you'll find and today was a perfect example of teamwork and sacrifice. Thanks Roy.

With that, we're making our way up the line in a little bit of weather. Fifteen knots of wind (weatherman was bad. Bad weatherman!) and a mild sea is bumping us up and down a little bit, but it could be a lot worse. We'll take this weather we have now as long as it doesn't build. We'll be back to the docks sometime tomorrow in the mid-morning time and we'll be returning on Saturday afternoon for Joe Giglioti's 8-day trip. If you can swing it, there are still a couple of spots available and Joe will be bringing some goodies from Accurate Reels to give away to our ultra limited-load of anglers. Give Susan a call at 619 390 1958. Until then, we'll chat with later. Take care.

-Team Supreme-

July 20, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

~~Aug 16
 We had another good day today.  Well, afternoon I should say.  Yesterday, we got here at 2:30 in the PM and the fish were biting right away.  I thought for sure if we were here earlier, it would be stellar.  Nope.  2:30 was just right.  We hung out here all day not seeing any yellers, then right at 2;30, they showed up and it was good fishing for the next few hours.  We set up a little differently today and it paid off.  The grade of fish improved.  It was 70% premiums.  That's right.  18-30+ pounders.  2nd fish hold down.  We're cooling down the center well now. 

 Due to the fantastic fishing we've experienced this trip thus far, we are in need of some bait.  We're headed out to what I think is our best chance at making some.  No ones been there as far as I know for quite some time.  It's been windy.  It looks like we have a good weather window so it shouldn't look like the Flemesh Cap.  We're also hoping to run into some bluefin tuna while out there.  We're not just going out there for bait.  We're looking for something to use it on.  Let's keep the ball rolling.

July 19, 2024 lake lanier Fishing Report

Drew Henderson docked Polaris Supreme October 25 after a ten-day Bunker Memorial trip with 22 passengers. His anglers found some excellent yellowtail fishing, and big jacks swept the pot.

Bob Williams of San Diego fought his 41-pound yellow for 20 minutes before it came to gaff. He won first place for it and said he used a sardine on a 4/0 Mustad J-hook on 40-pound P-Line, with a Trinidad 30 reel and a Calstar 700 H rod.

Rick Bynum won second place for a 39.9-pound yellow, and Paul Kraft took third place for a 39.1-pounder. Paul's cousin Ed Kraft of Pt. Hueneme stood in with the group holding his 33-pound dorado.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for lake lanier are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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